I have been waiting..and waiting..and waiting for snow since October, patiently I might add, and winter is one of my favorite times of year, I especially love the holidays. So it's quite upsetting to me when we don't have snow sticking on the ground in December. Snow is just so beautiful. So I bet your asking, what the heck does this have to do with your blog? Well to tell you the truth I really don't know. I felt like I wanted to bring it up. OH YA! I know, I wanted to bring up some really yummy warm low cal drinks I have come across lately. Now, also, before I forget, my friend has suddenly had a very strong int rest in coffee, so this is also why I'm bringing this up now, maybe you like it too? Even though I detest it, which by the way in french is detester! :) I'm taking french this year he he ok back to warm yummy drinks! Oh and, again, by the way the list will have higher and higher calories as it goes, ok enjoy!!
1. Gingerbread Latte- Starbucks
This closely resembles those delicious gingerbread cookies I love, or we all love. And it ( the small, 8 oz) is only 150 calories, and with Whole Milk it's only 40 calories more! Now, you really don't need to get the big one do you? No of course not.
2.Reindeer Drinks- Caribou Coffee
Now this is the company's description of it- "Our Reindeer Drink is creamy steamed milk infused with caramel, vanilla, raspberry, or any flavor you choose." Doesn't that sound pretty dang delicious to you? Well, sadly they don't have a picture of it so I have found one on trusty google! You know what, I found out trusty google isn't all that helpful sometimes, so heres a caribou!
Oh right, and I forgot to mention this is 240 calories, check it out!
3. Mint Condition- Caribou
Sorry this is another Caribou Coffee!! But this one is minty and hot and delicious, but a surprising 640 calories! WOAH! But to tell you the truth it looks amazing!

and, it has ANDES MINTS! my fav ;) I freakin. love.those.things. :) they are so good. YUM!
Stay warm this winter i''ll be back with more wintery post's!
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